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In House Services

 Can't  come to us?.......We can go to you!.

You can enjoy all our services in the confort of your home and also this exclusive now!



Copules Romanti (2 hours)   $ 406 dollars 


Very  romantic and a great way to start off a vacation, 90 min warm milk & honey couples massage , 30 min wrapping fruits. include a glass of champagne for cach, a dish with chocalates  and strewberries and a romantic decoration, 

 *free : collagen  facial mask.*


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Ancestral Egyptian Turquoise Stone Therapy  & 7 Chakras Therapy Duration 90 min         $150 dollars


It is a stone of purification and healing of the body and soul by aligning all the chakras. strengthening health by raising your vibration frequency reducing stress levels mood finding your inner peace in a relaxation of the body and mind


Take  care  your  skin      (2.5 hours) $ 240 dollars


For  the  guest that has been spending a lot  of time at the beach and in the sun. 60 min coconut massage, 40 min intermezzo facial with collagen mask.

* Free: 50 min body polish gentle aloe & cucumber repair.*

   ( per  person)


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Cupping therapy & warm milk & honey  90 min $ 150 dollars 


Cupping is an ancient alternative therapy treatment in which suction cups are placed on the skin to create vacuum-like suction. The first records of cupping therapy date back to the ancient Egyptians, around 1500 BC. The benefits are as follows Detox Toxins are expelled through the skin during therapy. Relieves pain: Treats arthritis, fibromyalgia, and pain caused by injuries or physical activity. Supports the immune system Healing is accelerated through cupping. Healthy skin Improves digestion Helps in the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Relieves headaches and migraines


Touch  in the soul ( 3.5hours ) $340 dollars


90 min warm milk & honey  hot stone , 60 min  hot stone with collagen facial.

*Free: 30 min body polish scrub & 30 min wrapping fruits.*

( per  person )


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Californian Ancestral Egyptian Therapy & Harmonization with Pendulum Duration 90 min $150 dollars ​

Californian Egyptian Ancestral Therapy It has a holistic approach and not only pursues physical and mental relaxation but also the awakening of consciousness. Through a series of long, fluid and slow movements, a release of energy that has been blocked by emotions is achieved. It positively influences our health, both physical and spiritual. It relieves muscle and joint pain. Balances the energy flow of the body.



7 Chakra Alignment Energy Therapy & Egyptian Pendulum Duration 90 min $ 152 dollars 

Egyptian Ancestral Therapy Allows the chakras to connect us with the universe, mother nature and divinity. The seven chakras act as energy transformers that draw charged energy from the central axis of the body and diversify it into multidimensional fields, specific to the role and the Function of each chakra Each of the seven chakras is related to an aspect of our being and influences both the physical, mental and emotional levels. 💆#Physical: physiological functions and parts of the #body 💆#Energy: different #energies and their circulation. 💆#Mental: #balance, regulation and order of emotions and feelings. 💆#Psychic: subtle and causal body. Perception. 💆#Causal: level of consciousness. #Awakening of #Kundalini.


Metamorphic Therapy Duration 90 min $ 150 dollars  Adults

Duration 50 min $ 75 dollars children


Benefits are as follows Among the main benefits offered by metamorphic massage is that it can be used by people of all ages regardless of their physical conditions. In addition to the benefits that this and/or any other type of massage can offer, the metamorphic technique is capable of helping: Improving emotional balance. Relieve physical and emotional tension. Reduce insomnia problems. Promote self-esteem. Reduce stress and prevent depression. Overcome fears and insecurities. In children, it helps reduce hyperactivity and helps them improve concentration.

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Aura Cleanse & Ancentral Harmonization $80 dollars


​The Aura Cleanse & Harmonization Its benefits of Aura cleansing are: Get rid of negative energy. Relaxation of the physical and mental body It reduces stress. Helps concentration. Clears the mind. It helps you improve the functioning of the body so that energy flows through the soul. It gives you inner peace.


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The Egyptian Ancestral Cleanses  $ 53 dollars


The Clean Ancient Egyptians💆🌹🌿 They serve to release those negative energies that can come from energetic attacks, evil eyes, moorings, chips and implants, negativities, blocking energies caused by separations, duels, entrenched emotions, karmic remains, energetic parasites, combat excessive fatigue and dark thoughts, cleanse negative energies to regain balance recovers energy, health, allows you to combat fatigue, sadness, depression, anxiety, stress and even problems falling asleep, improving your emotional state, giving balance and balance in harmony


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Ancestral magical and unique birthday ceremony because magic is within you Duration 3 hours $ 332 dollars 


The birthday ceremony is a space to thank, close and sow the new cycle of a special day, full of energy of renewal, we will create sweet moments for your inner child and we will open the way to what your being most longs for. 💞 Includes: 7 chakra alignment egyptian reiki Cleanse of ancestral aura Cleanse of ancestral fire Health and love ritual. Anointing Ritual Ancestral personality candle to make a request


Ancestral therapy  healing your inner child Duration 3 hours  $ 332 dollars


Egyptian healing is a more powerful system, its main benefits are: heal your inner child, let go of guilt, resentment, hatred, sadness, It allows us to let go and heal situations that afflict us. Heal negative repetitive behaviors Heals the body's energies, purifies chakras, harmonizes energies, on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. The 5 Therapies connect you with your inner self Emotion release therapy, 7 chakra alignment therapy, Chiropractic therapy Energy cleansing, Egyptian Reiki


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